Children's Ministries
We value children and adults alike, believing God longs to be in relationship with all people, regardless of age. We also recognize that children and adults learn and experience the world and God differently and therefore need different forms of education in Christian faith. While we identify children's most important teachers and models of faith to be their parents or other primary caregivers, and while we believe one of the most powerful ways we disciple our children is through involving them in the relationships of the broader church family, we also know that the church has a responsibility to assist families in the more formal Christian education of their children. Therefore we provide opportunities for children to be involved in Godly Play and nursery during most worship services, Vacation Bible School for one week each year in August, and a variety of occasional events and family get-togethers.
Child Safety
Your children are important to us. Here's how we keep them safe:
- All adult volunteers provide a clean Criminal Records and Vulnerable Sectors check every five years.
- All volunteers provide at least two references attesting to thier trustworthiness with vulnerable people.
- All volunteers who are absent from the church and/or ministry with children for a year or more are required to provide again all necessary paperwork as if they had never volunteered in the past.
- All volunteers are required to review our child safety policies and procedures annually, either by attending the volunteer training event or reading through the volunteer training manual and signing that they have read and understood the contents.
- A minimum of two non-releated people volunteer at any time in all programs with children under twelve years of age.
- All ministry rooms have windows and/or open doors to ensure transparency and accountability.
If you have concerns about your child's safety, please make these concerns known to the minister or a member of the Christian Education committee.