Youth Ministries
Teens have unique needs in the church, just as they do in school and life in general. Ideas, beliefs and values they took for granted previously suddenly come into question. Their circles of influence widen and their involvement and friendship with people of different faiths, beliefs and values is more likely to challenge those they've grown up with. In addition, their willingness to listen to their parents' advice and opinions decreases. As such, it is essential that the church provide opportunities for teens to ask questions, explore beliefs, and interact with other Christian adults with whom they have trust-based relationships. At First Baptist, we are engaged in ministry with teens in a variety of ways.
There is currently a youth group which provides an opportunity for youth to get together in a Christian environment both for fun and for more serious discussions of the issues they face at school and in their daily lives. Adults provide supervision and spiritual guidance to ensure a safe and supportive experience for all.
Part of the Church Family
Teens are part of our church family just as are other age groups in the church. They have talents and skills to offer and are an integral part of our ministry team. Our teens provide leadership in our children's ministries, operate our sound and PowerPoint systems during worship services, and lead in worship through music, dance, Scripture reading, and even preaching. Just as we encourage adults to discern their unique purpose in the Kingdom of God (inside and outside the church), so do we encourage our teens to discover their unique purpose in the Kingdom of God.