As a Christian church, we exist to honour God by helping local people worship God, grow spiritually, serve others, and reach their communities and the world with the message and love of Jesus Christ.

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By Wendy Squires

Wendy Squires

It is quite the pleasure to write a different year at the top of this page. My hope is that this time next year, or possibly sooner, our world will seem much more normal. My prayer is that as we welcome in the new year, that you remain safe and healthy.

I would like to reflect on a discussion that took place several weeks ago during “Talk Back”. One of the questions seemed rather straight forward initially but I have continued to ponder on it ever since.

We were discussing the current state of the world and the question was, “Is God still in control?’ My immediate and simplistic response was, “well of course!” I was then challenged to take more time to think of my answer and how I would respond to those around me that may not think this is the case. I was encouraged to determine not only do I believe He is in control, but why I believe that way. Oh, now the question became much more challenging! Now it became a question of faith and certainty in that faith and how to share that with others.

As I withdrew into thought and prayer, I was reminded of a concept that I first heard about during the VBS program a couple years ago. The children were asked to observe the world around them for “God moments”. These are big, sometimes small, but always significant ways that God reveals himself to us as we journey along with Him or more correctly, He along with us. These are likely very different for different people as He knows our innermost beings and how to make His presence known to each one of us.

For me that is sometimes through music, or through His word, or through the actions of others and during this most challenging of years He has also chosen to reveal Himself to me through the wonder of His creation. I would like to share with you some of these God moments that I have experienced during 2020.

Every springtime, I do marvel at the tiny miracles that occur each time I plant my garden. I see new shoots emerge and develop into delicious produce or beautiful flowers. This year the garden was exceptionally bountiful and the zinnias grew to tremendous heights with blooms that flourished into November.

Rainbows continue to be a reminder of God's presence to me. This summer there were so many. There was one day that stands out. It was following a heavy cloud burst but sunshine quickly followed. As I went outdoors with camera in hand, I gazed upwards and saw a vivid double rainbow with a complete arch extending directly over Bloomsburg Baptist Church. A gift of beauty and reassurance.

Equally so, there have been so many spectacular sunsets this year. From the vantage point of our home the essence of the sunsets are sometimes blocked by the trees. On the particular day that comes to mind, I needed to drive our son to work. As I was returning home the timing was perfect. There were many low clouds. As the sun dipped towards horizon, the entire sky was transformed into wonderful pinks and orange hues. I had to stop the vehicle and just watch. It truly seemed that God was sending a message that this was the beauty of His creation and He was still there bringing love and comfort during these dark times.

Due to COVID restrictions, our family's reservations for camping this summer had to be cancelled. However, a surprising opportunity came about the week before Thanksgiving. And we found ourselves immersed in the most spectacular display of fall colours that has been seen for years. The peace and calm of the park while surrounded by such amazing beauty truly spoke to me of God's continued presence in our world.

And even in my own backyard there have been unusual sighting. A flock of more than 30 evening grosbeaks graced our deck feeders for several days. While doing routine activities outdoors, my curiosity was peaked, by bird calls I wasn't familiar with. As the sounds became louder, I could see a big flock of good sized birds that were dipping and swooping in large circles. For the first time ever, I was witnessing the migration of sand hill cranes. They appeared as air born synchronized swimmers, together using the updrafts for energy conservation for their long flight.

There have been so many God moments throughout the year. And the most spectacular of all was the great conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter. There are those that wonder if it was a similar event that happened over 2000 years ago and thus this event has been named the “Bethlehem Star”. Even though the clouds did not allow me to witness it directly I still knew it was there. A wonderful occurrence that hasn't been viewed since 1226. And some may say that it was just timing, that these planets were destined to merge. But I know who hung the stars and planets in the sky and who put their orbits in motion. He who knew that at his moment in time, His people needed this evidence and reassurance of His continued presence.

As 2020 draws to a close, I would encourage all of you to record how God has revealed Himself to you over the past year. And if all of our “God moments” were gathered together they would make a wonderful collective witness of God's presence and control during not only this difficult time, but always. Wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to share such writing with others. What an encouraging volume that would be.

So, my answer stays the same, “yes God is still in control”. I hope though now, I feel more prepared as to how I will share that conviction with others. And as He continues to guide and direct us in the coming year may you feel His presence ever close.

Happy New Year.

Wendy Squires is originally from Copetown and now lives in Bloomsburg with her husband Randy, son Stephen, and their dog Holly.

Contents for January, 2021

A January Event
From Darrell's Desk
Volunteers for 2021
Church Updates
Church Treasurer
From the Maguires…
Christmas Outreach
Annual Reports
What to Expect When Joining
Lessons in Greek
Opportunities for Everyone
The Back Page

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