As a Christian church, we exist to honour God by helping local people worship God, grow spiritually, serve others, and reach their communities and the world with the message and love of Jesus Christ.

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By Wendy Squires

Wendy Squires

How lovely it has been over the last few days to be able to have windows open both day and night. At the start of my day I am greeted with the morning songs of the birds which have returned from their winter sojourns. In the evening I am soothed to sleep by the choruses of spring peeper frogs. And my own heart sings with the gratitude of the beauty of God's creation.

We are so blessed that God provided us with all the senses that we have. Through them there are so many ways that he reveals His presence to us. It is such a precious gift to be able to hear the sounds of the natural world and also the inspired songs of his followers.

Music is a tremendous gift we have all received from God. It evokes in each of us memories, emotions in such powerful ways. If you were to ask me what I was doing during a particular year I may or may not be able to answer you. However, if you play certain songs from my past, I am immediately taken back in time and can tell you where I was and what was happening in my life.

I would expect we have all found ourselves at one time or another, driving down a road on a sunny day and when a certain song plays on the radio it demands that we roll down the window and sing with gusto. And who hasn't felt the embarrassment of arriving at the red light and realizing that the car next to us can hear every note.

Music is a strong memory trigger. There has been some amazing studies done with music and Alzheimer patients. People in advanced stages of the disease can be “locked in” barely responding to people or other stimuli around them. By providing them with headphones and a musical genre important to the individual it is remarkable to see how their demeanour changes. They become engaged in their surroundings and those around them. There is a particularly poignant video of a prima ballerina sitting in an almost vegetative state in her wheelchair. Headphones are gently put in place and the score of Swan Lake is played. It is as though a light is turned on, dimly at first and then grows stronger. Her hands begin to move and then her arms and she is transformed into the grace and beauty of a swan. The memories of all those performances shines through. And the effect goes beyond and the music allowing individuals to engage more fully in life for a brief time more. Music is transformational in their lives.

There are certain worship songs that also speak to a particular time in my life. There was a worship tape that was given to my mother while she was very ill. She requested that it be played again and again. That music travelled with my Mom into heaven and reminds me of her whenever I hear those songs again.

Certain music demands a response. How true for inspired Christian music. Handel's Messiah was written in only a few weeks. The power and majesty of this piece has been enjoyed through the centuries. I find it impossible, as do many others, to remain seated during the hallelujah chorus.

It is uplifting to sit and listen to the combined voices of a choir. I find it calming to let all the nuances and harmonies envelop me. I have always appreciated the work and dedication of our First Baptist Church choir and do miss their presentations. During congregational singing I listen for the individual voices that add a subtle and pleasing harmonious layer to the praise songs. It is important that we all participate in raising our voices in praise. So many verses speak of singing a song to God. It is one way in which we can offer worship up to Him.

There are treasures in so many inspired pieces. How Great Thou Art, Amazing Grace, Hymn of Heaven, In the Garden, My Living Hope, Great is Thy Faithfulness, Jesus Loves Me and on and on. I find hymns that evoke thoughts of God's love, grace, and mercy especially powerful. When I let the words and music resonate within my heart I too am transformed. My heart is filled with joy, gratitude, peace, and worship.

I would hope that just like the sounds drifting in through my open window, that God too would find pleasure in these songs of praise rising heavenward.

Here is a link to a YouTube video of the ballerina and Swan Lake:

Wendy Squires is originally from Copetown and now lives in Bloomsburg with her husband Randy, son Stephen, and their dog Holly.

Contents for May, 2022

Our Church Anniversary – 186 Years!
From Darrell's Desk
Summer is Coming
Youth Group Activities
VBS Day Camp 2022
Money Talk
Steve's Trivia Game
Oneida Baptist Camp
Something to Think About…Be Aware
Soup Recipe
Happy Easter
Lessons in Greek
Praying for Sister Churches
Celebrating 100 Years in the Sanctuary
Opportunities for Everyone
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